
This Library is Amazing

The TruthSeeker Library

Popular books

Here is a list of books that i found most intriguing. For anybody that is a TruthSeeker, these are a must read

The Secret Doctrine, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky's masterwork on the origin and evolution of the universe and humanity itself, is arguably the most famous, and perhaps the most influential, occult book ever written. Published since 1888 only in expensive, two-volume editions of some 1,400 pages, it has long eluded the grasp of modern readers- until now.

The Secret Doctrine H.P. Blavatsky

I have always imagined paradise as a library

I could spend the rest of my life reading just to satisfy my cutiosity

No one reads a book. He reads himself through books

Table of Contents

Meet the team

that old time religion

Jordan Maxwell

This book proves there is nothing new under the sun regarding many of our modern religious beliefs. This includes Christianity, and how many of its beliefs could be far older than what we have suspected. It gives a complete run-down of the stellar, lunar, and solar evolution of our religious systems and contains new, long-awaited, exhaustive research on the gods and our beliefs.

rebel gene

kerry cassidy

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Evelyn Clark

Head Mistress

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec rhoncus feugiat laoreet. Maecenas tempor velit risus.

Creed Hall

Sr. Physics Teacher

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec rhoncus feugiat laoreet. Maecenas tempor velit risus.

Zayn Nelson

Sr. Mathematics Teacher

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec rhoncus feugiat laoreet. Maecenas tempor velit risus.

Capria Adams

Cultural Head

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