mass formation psychosis
mass formation psychosis

Mass formation psychosis is defined as a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality. Why did the masses throughout the world bow so easily and with such passivity to the insane demands and protocols of the WEF and the WHO during the Covid-19 pandemic? The answer lies in a form of mass brainwashing. The manipulation through suggestion  of the perceptions and behaviours of people on a global scale. The asinine public does not seem to mind that the media is lying to them regarding Covid-19 and the fake vaccine. Even though the science / statistics are all wrong and has been proven wrong, the Covid machine continues with all its mistakes and problems full steam ahead. How is it possible that the entire world population is going along with a narrative that has so many absurd characteristics? The remedy is far worse than the disease. More deaths happening from other illnesses and social economic conditions than Covid-19. Why is everybody so focused on Covid-19 and nothing else. The reason for all this is a process of large scale Mass Formation

20 April 2023
Theosophical Society Pta